LINDA DUVALL Visual and Media Artist








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Reinvented is a video-based project focused on the subject of lying, through the presentation of an assemblage of intimate narratives. The subject matter of reinvention is approached, not through disguises or physical alteration, but rather through direct verbal articulation in front of a video camera. Each of the short stories that I provided consisted of an occasion for possible transformation or shift in direction or attitude.

I met directly with each participant and told them one at a time a series of very short stories, such as “When my mother recently became ill, she told me something that she had kept secret all these years. My biological father is not the person I had assumed, and also he is of another race” I asked them to tell each story back to me in the first person. As they did this, I asked them more details about the situation. For example, in the above example, I then asked various details about the situation. “So what race is he?” Have you tried to contact him? Why do you think your mother kept this secret for all these years? ” Through this process, the original story then becomes more theirs than mine, as they acknowledge how this situation might play out in their personal context. The questions gradually reveal attitudes and biases.

I have presented this project in three Canadian cities so far. In each case, I met with a broad demographic of local residents, ranging from high-profile MLA’s to residents of shelters who had never been part of an art project or even in a gallery before. The nature of the reinventions reflects both individual experience and community frameworks within each location